I presented a webinar on “Mentoring & Sponsorship: The Key to Gender Diversity in Leadership” for Chronus, a mentoring software company. The recording and slides are available here.
I was a panelist in this webinar, hosted by the International Bar Association. The moderators and other panelists were from the UK, Australia and Argentina, and the audience was global as well. We discussed the reasons why lawyers have difficulty dealing with retirement, how to help lawyers adapt to retirement, the impact of ageism on …
This complimentary webinar, which I presented to a worldwide audience, was sponsored by Estrin Legal Staffing. We covered longevity, retirement transitions, and creating a dynamic plan for your post-career life You can view the entire webinar here.
We had a great discussion about many aspects of contemplating, planning, transitioning and living in retirement in a program sponsored by the Senior Lawyers Division of the ABA called “Preparing for Lift Off: Starting Your Personal Journey to Post-Practice Life .” You can watch the program here.
I presented in a webinar on “Attorney Retirement and Cognitive Decline” sponsored by the West Virginia Judicial & Lawyer Assistance Program. You can watch this important program on YouTube and also on the West Virginia State Bar website. My session, on “Retirement by Design, Not Default,” starts around minute 1:02. The first presenter, Dr. Timothy Saar, spoke …